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=== [[Colorfull QMail Logging]] ===
=== [[Colorfull QMail Logging]] ===
=== [[Convert Vpopmail alias into qmail alias]] ===
=== [[Convert Vpopmail alias into qmail alias]] ===
=== [[Disabling Domain Keys]] ===
=== [[QMT Failover replication Setup|Failover replication]] ===
=== [[QMT Failover replication Setup|Failover replication]] ===
=== [[Hardening your toaster]] ===
=== [[Hardening your toaster]] ===
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=== [[Software and Infrastructure]] ===
=== [[Software and Infrastructure]] ===
=== [[Extract Packages from RPM ]] ===

== Peripheral Software ==
== Peripheral Software ==
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=== [[qmqpd]] ===
=== [[qmqpd]] ===
QMQP is a protocol designed to be used by clients for queuing messages to a smart host that handles the delivery. This relieves clients of the burden of maintaining a queue and retrying temporarily undeliverable messages. The protocol is defined at QMQP is similar to QMTP in that it minimizes the round trips necessary for handing messages to servers, but it doesn't implement relay control—so access to QMQP servers must be restricted to trusted clients. QMQP usually uses port 628.
qmail includes both a QMQP server, qmail-qmqpd, and a QMQP client, qmail-qmqpc.
A client system using qmail-qmqpc is known as a mini-qmail installation.
Setting Up a QMQP Service
Setting up a QMQP service is straightforward once you've installed qmail, daemon-tools, and ucspi-tcp as in Chapter 2, "Installing qmail." First, select a qmail server to be the QMQP smart host. All of the following actions must be taken on this host.
Create the service's directory:
# umask 022 # cd /var/qmail/supervise # mkdir qmail-qmqpd # cd qmail-qmqpd # chmod +t . #
Using a text editor, create a new file called run containing:
QMAILDUID='id -u qmaild'
NOFILESGID='id -g qmaild'
MAXQMQPD='head -1 /var/qmail/control/concurrencyqmqp'
if [ -z "$MAXQMQPD" ];
    echo MAXQMQPD is unset in
    echo /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-qmqpd/run
    exit 1
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 2000000 \
      /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.qmqp.cdb -c "$MAXQMQPD" \
          -u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 628 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qmqpd 2>&1
Under Solaris, use /usr/xpg4/bin/id instead of id.
Make the run script executable and set up the log directory:
# chmod 755 run # mkdir log # cd log #
Using a text editor, create a new file called run in the log directory containing:
#!/bin/sh exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog \  t /var/log/qmail/qmqpd
Make the log/run script executable and create the logging directory:
# chmod 755 run # mkdir /var/log/qmail/qmqpd # chown qmaill /var/log/qmail/qmqpd #
Using a text editor, create the /etc/tcp.qmqp access control file. Allow access only from trusted hosts, and explicitly deny access to all other hosts. For example, if you want to allow all hosts on the local network to queue messages, and the local network is 192.168.1.x, the file would contain this:
192.168.1.:allow :deny
Build the machine-readable version of the access control database,
# tcprules /etc/tcp.qmqp.cdb /etc/tcp.qmqp.tmp </etc/tcp.qmqp #
Create the concurrencyqmqp non-standard control file to limit simultaneous QMQP connections. For example, to set the limit to 40:
# echo 40 > /var/qmail/control/concurrencyqmqp #
Link the service directory to /service to activate it:
# ln -s /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-qmqpd /service #
The qmailctl could also be modified to control the QMQP service.
Setting Up a QMQP Client (Mini-qmail)
QMQP can be enabled on a system running qmail simply by replacing qmail-queue with a symbolic link to qmail-qmqpc and listing the QMQP servers in control/qmqpservers. However, a true mini-qmail installation is much simpler and smaller than a full qmail installation: There's no queue, so there's no need to run any daemons.
A mini-qmail installation requires only
qmail-qmqpc, forward, qmail-inject, sendmail, predate, datemail, mailsubj, qmail-showctl, maildirmake, maildir2mbox, maildirwatch, qail, elq, and pinq in /var/mini-qmail/bin
A symbolic link to qmail-qmqpc from /var/mini-qmail/bin/qmail-queue
Symbolic links to /var/mini-qmail/bin/sendmail from /usr/sbin/sendmail and /usr/lib/sendmail
All of the man pages in /var/qmail/man
A list of the IP addresses of the QMQP servers, one per line, in /var/mini-qmail/control/qmqpservers
A copy of /var/qmail/control/me, /var/qmail/control/defaultdomain, and /var/qmail/control/plusdomain from your smart host, so qmail-inject will use appropriate host names in outgoing mail
The local host's name in /var/mini-qmail/control/idhost, so qmail-inject will generate Message-ID's unique to the host
A mini-qmail kit ( is available, which, combined with the full qmail-1.03 tarball, will install only the pieces that mini-qmail requires.
We'll go through a mini-qmail installation using this kit:
Download the mini-qmail kit using a Web browser or command-line tool. At the time of this writing, the current version is 0.63:
$ wget —08:32:32— .tar.gz            => 'mini-qmail-kit-0.52.tar.gz' Connecting to . . connected! HTTP request sent, awaiting response. . . 200 OK Length: 6,174 [application/x-tar]    0K -> . . .. . .                                                    [100%] 08:32:36 (3.51 KB/s) - 'mini-qmail-kit-0.52.tar.gz' saved [6174/6174] $
Unpack the kit and change to its directory:
$ zcat mini-qmail-kit-0.52.tar.gz | tar xf - $ cd mini-qmail-kit-0.52 $
Unpack the qmail tarball under the current directory:
$ zcat /tmp/qmail-1.03.tar.gz | tar xf - $
Build the mini-qmail Makefile:
$ make -f sed '/^auto_uids\.c:/,/^$/d' qmail-1.03/Makefile > Makefile cat > Makefile while read file; \  do \    echo ''; \    echo "$file: qmail-1.03/$file"; \    echo "cat qmail-1.03/$file > $file"; \  done < FILES.qmail > Makefile $
Build the mini-qmail binaries and man pages:
$ make mini cat qmail-1.03/ > cat \ | sed s}QMAIL}"'sed 1q conf-qmail'"}g \ ... nroff -man envelopes.5 > envelopes.0 cat qmail-1.03/forgeries.7 > forgeries.7 nroff -man forgeries.7 > forgeries.0 $
Install the binaries and man pages:
$ su Password: rootpassword # make setup-mini ./install-mini #
Configure the mini-qmail installation:
# ./config-mini smarthost domain plusdomain localhostname\ > smarthostip # Putting smarthost into control/me. . . Putting domain into control/defaultdomain. . . Putting plusdomain into control/plusdomain. . . Putting localhostname into control/idhost. . . Putting smarthostip into control/qmqpservers. . . #
For example, if the smart host is, with an IP address of, and the mini-qmail host is, you might use something like this:
# ./config-mini \ > Putting into control/me. . . Putting into control/defaultdomain. . . Putting into control/plusdomain. . . Putting into control/idhost. . . Putting into control/qmqpservers. . . #
Test the mini-qmail installation. If your username on the smarthost is carolyn, do this:
# echo to: carolyn | /var/mini-qmail/bin/qmail-inject #
Verify that the message was delivered to your mailbox on the smarthost.
Finally, set up links to mini-qmail's sendmail program:
# rm -f /usr/lib/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail # ln -s /var/mini-qmail/bin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail # ln -s /var/mini-qmail/bin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail #
nullmailer ( is a simple MTA for null clients. It can use either SMTP or QMQP. It's similar to mini-qmail, except it implements a queue. If mini-qmail can't reach a server when a message is injected, it returns an error and the sending user or process is responsible for retrying the delivery later. nullmailer queues the message locally and automatically retries to send it to a server.

Latest revision as of 08:00, 21 June 2024


Account Management

Account Creation and Deletion Date

Attachment size limitations

Automatic account expirations

Bulk User Adding For Qmail Toaster

Maintain Trash and Spam folder

Roaming pop3 users (vpopmail)

Enable/Disable POP3/SMTP/IMAP/Webmail access for a whole domain

Anti Spam

Account verification using badmailto

Adding greylisting to QMT

Disabling SpamAssassin

Install Pyzor

Install Razor

Redirect/bounce mail for sa-learn

Prevent Spam from valid sender/recipient

Scanning External non locally hosted domains

Install Spamdyke

Using Dspam

Client Software

Outlook problems and possible solutions

Mailing Lists

EzMLM Commands

Bulk import emails into EzMLM

Ezmlm Related Stuff

Install Mailman in place of ezmlm

MailingList Archiving

System Administration

CHKUSR - Enable characters for Blackberry devices

Colorfull QMail Logging

Convert Vpopmail alias into qmail alias

Failover replication

Hardening your toaster

Install EMPF patch

Integrate qms-analog for nice log stats

MySQL - Tuning for QMT

Qmail Log Backup Script

Rebuilding cdb files

Recovering from a blown upgrade

Rsync your backups

SSL on submission port

TCP Server limits configuration

How to Setup DKIM with Qmail Toaster

How to set up a mail list so that you can email ALL of your domains at one time

Resolving apparent login failures with SMTP and POP

Shutting down Qmail manually


Clickable Banner

Squirrelmail Global Address Book

Webmail Client

Build Environment

Software and Infrastructure

Extract Packages from RPM

Peripheral Software


Remote Access

Collaboration (RTC)


