Bulk import emails into EzMLM
Ever had a large list of email addresses that you wanted to import into a mailing list, or converting from another mail program?
It's possible.
If you put all of your email addresses into a text file (Unix format), one email address per line, you can import them into your mailing list (which you already created, right?). Each address MUST contain a @ symbol. The import will stop at the first emtpy line, EOF, or the first email in an invalid format (no @ symbol). You can import your list by using the following command:
ezmlm-sub /home/vpopmail/domains/yourdomain.com/name-of-mailing-list < name-of-text-file.txt
Files copied over from a DOS system contain hidden characters that can cause problems with this import. You should run the file through dos2unix to strip these characters off.
The log for subscriptions is at:
If there were any hidden characters in your import file there will be a ? where the bad character was. The only way I found to remove these users is to delete the list and recreate it.