Vconvert Backend
On destination host Install Rocky 7 8 or 9 qmailctl stop && systemctl stop dovecot
c) On destination host # Convert vpasswd files to mysql vpopmail db, aliases must be handled manually /home/vpopmail/bin/vconvert -c -m qmailctl cdb && qmailctl start && sleep 2s && systemctl start dovecot && toaststat
2) In place conversion*
# qmailctl stop && systemctl stop dovecot # yum install -y yum-utils # yum-config-manager --enable qmt-current # yum reinstall qmail qmailadmin dovecot* ezmlm* vpopmail vqadmin # /home/vpopmail/bin/vconvert -c -m # qmailctl start && sleep 2s && systemctl start dovecot && toaststat * Aliases must be done manually. Will convert to many domain format if vpopamil was compiled with this option
Questions, comments, suggestions, Eric on the QMT list